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How do you use a repost strategy for Instagram content?

Written by Ricky | Oct 22, 2019 1:05:51 PM

Creating good Instagram content is hard. You need to make pictures of things that your target audience cares about, and you should post at least once a week. But what do you do if you can't create custom content every single week?

A repost strategy is a great way to post consistent content that your audience loves, without having to create every single post by hand. Ready to learn how a repost strategy works, and how you can use one to deliver amazing content to your Instagram audience? Let's go.



What is a repost strategy for Instagram content?

Instead of making Instagram content yourself, you can reuse someone else's content and share it with your followers. A repost strategy involves finding popular content on Instagram, and posting it from your account. You should give the original poster credit for their work, which helps them spread their reach in return.

The benefit of reposting older content is that you will already know if it's going to be popular or not. You can pick posts that have performed well previously (AKA they have a bunch of likes and comments on them) and repeat the success already being seen.


How to repost on Instagram

To find relevant content, search popular hashtags in your space. Each hashtag will have it's own page and popular posts will rise to the top of that page. We recommend looking at accounts whose posts appear at the top. Look through the account's older posts and find one you like! This picture can be your first repost.

Now that you've found a good photo, you need to repost it. We recommend using the repost app (linked here). It's a paid app, but the cost of the app will be much less than any content you'd ever have to pay for.

To repost using the app, do the following:


Step 1: In the Instagram app, pull up the picture you want to repost, click the dots in the top right, and select "Copy Link"



Step 2: Exit Instagram and open the Repost app on your device. You will see the picture in the Repost app if you copied the URL correctly. Click the photo in the repost app. (Note: You can also repost the photo later, it will stay within the repost app.)



Step 3: Add the type of badge you want to use to show that you reposted the picture. Once it looks the way you like (we added it to the top left in the picture below) click the blue "Repost" button and select "Copy Caption & Open Instagram"


Step 4: Choose to add the photo to your feed,make a caption, and post! PS- don't forget to tag the original account in your repost to thank them for the content!


Do I need to give the original account credit?

We highly recommend giving the OP credit for their photo. This can be something as simple as the badge on the photo showing it's reposted from them, putting their account in the caption, and/or tagging them on the post.

That being said, you are not required to give credit. If you repost and don't give credit, just know that you may receive some angry comments in the future. The choice is yours. We recommend giving credit though. It's the right thing to do, and it's good karma.


With a repost strategy, you can give your followers content that is better than you ever would have taken yourself. And by telling your followers where that content came from, you'll be doing the OP a favor by sending their account referral visitors and (hopefully) followers.

PS- Need more help with getting more engagement on Instagram? Check out our Instagram Growth Services!