Do you want a credible and influential Instagram account? Then you probably want to keep the number of people you are following in check. Following other accounts that are related to yours is a time-proven method of generating more followers and traffic for your account. However, if you are following two times as many people as there are people following you, then your account does not have the ideal stats for follower growth. Your account will seem more legitimate if there are more people following you then people you are following. Dont worry, an even ratio or even a 1:2 following to follower ratio is easy to achieve if you know the proper techniques and tools. Here are a few of the best and worst Instagram unfollow options.
Manual Efforts
The most obvious way to keep your followings in check is by manually unfollowing people once per week or month. This is a good process if you have the discipline to consistently unfollow people. Manually unfollowing people is good for avoiding awkward situations where you accidently unfollow people intent to continuously follow. You will recognize your friends amongst the list of people you are following and you will be able to chose to not unfollow them. The major drawback of this method is the amount of time it consumes. To begin the process, just go to your Instagram page, click on “following” next to your username, and look through the accounts you are following. You can look through the accounts and decide which ones you are truly interested in, and which ones are just clogging up your newsfeed.
Use an App
There are some apps out there that will make your life easier if you want to unfollow a large amount of people. One of them is Crowfire. Crowdfire shows you a list of people who you are following but who are not following you back. You can view the list right from the app and decide who to unfollow. The only bad part is that you cannot open their profiles from the app so you have to decide who to unfollow just by looking at their usernames. Also, Crowdfire only allows you to unfollow 50 people per hour to prevent your account from getting its password reset. Sometimes if you follow or unfollow a lot of people in a short period of time, Instagram will force you to reset your password or verify your account via email.
Use Social Network Elite
Social Network Elite offers its clients peace of mind and complete Instagram Management solutions. Not only can we unfollow superflous people to make your account more legitimate, we also help you build a large active follower base. We promote your account by finding other accounts in your niche and interacting with them through likes, comments, and follows. For more information, feel free to view our commercial. If you are ready to take your Instagram game to the next level, check out the plans we have available and sign up for a 7 day FREE trial!