It's always better to have more likes on your Instagram photos, especially if you have a business account. When your photos have a high level of engagement, your account looks more popular, and you're more likely to build an audience more quickly. Here are a few ways that you can get free likes on Instagram.
Use a Like for Like Strategy
A like for like strategy is one of the easiest ways to boost the amount of likes on your Instagram photos for free. It can take a bit of build up time, but if you keep at it, you'll start seeing a significant boost in likes on your photos.
The general concept of this strategy is that you go to other pages and accounts that use the hashtag #likeforlike and like their posts. In return, they will like your posts. Get it, like for like?
The hashtag #likeforlike may also be written as #like4like, #L4L, #l4l, etc. Nonetheless, the like for like strategy is a quick way to boost your Instagram numbers. The only downfall of this strategy is the lack of active followers. It may increase your number of likes, but it will not increase the overall activity on your account.
Use Free Apps that Make Your Pictures Pop
A key factor to getting more likes on your posts is making sure your pictures have high quality and look professional. This does not mean you have to buy a fancy thousand-dollar camera or hire a personal photographer, although these are options if you are willing to pay. If you are like most and wish to save any penny you can, simply download some free photo editor applications that will enhance your photos and give them a unique look apart from the standard Instagram filters.
Presentation is everything, and if you use a photo editor app you will be able post pictures that will look like you hired a personal photographer.
There are many apps currently out on the market that you can use, however, below is a list of some personal favorites:
-Color Pop
These are just a few that can quickly improve the quality of the content you post on your account. Also, if you want to read more about the best apps to get IG followers, check out this post.
Engage with More Accounts More Frequently
Engaging with other accounts is vital to the growth of your business account. In order to gain attention towards your page you must first give attention to others.
These continuous interactions will be noticed by others in your Instagram community and ultimately lead to more traffic towards your business account. It's all about karma- if you really want to hack free Instagram Likes and Followers you have to give to get!
Being an active member of your Instagram community is important, because it creates a presence for your business. The more people see your business name floating around on the web the more likely they are to click it. The will lead to more people viewing your account, which will lead to more people following you, and last but not least, this will lead to more likes on your photos. So go engage; be social! It is called social media for a reason. Once you start to establish a strong presence in your Instagram community, the likes on your page will begin to
Use the Best Hashtags
Hashtags, hashtags, hashtags! You can’t use them enough (but don’t use them too much!). Hashtags are a great way to increase the traffic on your page and get noticed by new users.
What is a hashtag? A hashtag is a phrase preceded by a “#” symbol, which indicates a idea, phrase, movement, and/or a specific topic. For example, #dogs would lead your Instagram search to an endless list of dog photos.
Utilizing hashtags properly can help you attract new users that are interested in your business genre, however, do not necessarily know your business, yet. Using a popular, yet still relevant, hashtag that reflects your page can draw the attention of users waiting to like your posts! Using proper hashtags equates to more likes on your photos!
Use these methods, and you'll get more free likes on Instagram! And if you want to rapidly boost Real Active Instagram Followers, click HERE!